Saturday, 5 May 2012

Accessorize your iphone 4s

No doubt iPhone variants are popular. Most phone accessories are made and focused to the iPhone users. Perhaps users like me are just familiar with the very obvious accessories there is, which are really necessary like the screen protectors, body cases, earphones and hands free kits. And there are accessories out there that users never noticed they ever existed and do not know what they are for, and if thinking if they'll ever be needing it. Here are some accessories I think can improve your iPhone experience.

1. Iphone power sleeve

This accessory is essentially a battery within a casing that doubles up as an iphone case. There are models of this product that are compatible with the iPhone 3 and 3GS or iPhone 4 and 4S. It is a useful piece of equipment especially when you are going somewhere where power grid is not available or when you do not want to bring cables with you. As it doubles up as a casing, it will also be protecting your phone from scratches and falls. When you can buy a fancy case, why not try this case doubled up as a battery tank? Surely will make you use your iPhone for longer.

2. Iphone bluetooth FM transmitter

Essential for every car owners. I am sure nobody wants to be fined up to £1000 and 3 points mark on his license while driving. But I am also sure the first natural thing for us to do when the phone rings is to pick it up and see who's calling, and eventually answer the other person at the other end. You are lucky when you are not caught first time, but what you've just did is illegal. So be road legal and install a bluetooth receiver with FM transmitter.

The way it works is, you need to pair your phone to the device through bluetooth, and set the device to transmit the received voice data from your phone to your FM radio through a certain frequency you'll select yourself, or just go to the existing lowest FM broadcast of the device at 88.1. Your car's FM radio should be tuned in into the frequency you've chosen to use your phone, for example with this post, at 88.1 FM.

3. Bluetooth receiver

I know this might be not essential because there are beautiful iphone docks available out there. But if you want to use your existing stereo without bluetooth capability to hear from music stored in your iPhone wirelessly, then this is the solution. If you are ok with wired connection, just buy 3.5mm male male connector.

4. Optical zoom lense

The iphone 4S has an 8 megapixel camera that can take clear photos. This is the reason why many users prefer this to take photos in everyday and random happenings rather than the full specs digital camera. The only problem is when the subject you want to focus on is far from you, like you are at the back when watching a play and you can not move forward.  The iphone 4S is equipped with a digital zoom function and it should be no problem. Only that digital zoom is inferior to optical zoom. Digital zoom is just like cropping the photo and the resolution is compromised or affected depending on how far you  "cropped" or how much you zoomed digitally. Optical zoom is a physical lense like that of the interchangeable DSLR's that can give you a crispier and sharper resolution than digital zoom.

5. TV output cable

There is no better way to share the contents of your phone other than to connect it to a bigger screen. Maybe to a bigger computer screen or a 40 inch TV. The later is my preference. There is a connector to do just this and it won't necessarily breaks the bank, like when you choose an apple TV. You can show your latest pictures and can even watch movies you've made or downloaded through this.

As you can see, there are many different ways to enjoy more your devices without spending a lot. Simple solutions that you thought complicated. The most important is, I am confident that any user can do this without any professional help. That's practicality!

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