Monday 6 June 2022

The Cloud and the Chromebook

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Chromebook products

It looks like everything is going to the 'cloud'. Mails, CD's, DVD's, programs, apps and money are all successfully converted into their virtual existence. Their physical reality is already optional. Who wants real money anyway, when it can be lost or stolen by physical means? I still do, but the transactions surrounding real money can be a pain with counterfeits and human error. The digital form of things brings convenience and eliminates human mistakes. Or is it just an excuse to justify man's impunity?
Cloud computing has been around for years. It drove prices down like laptops. Programs, applications and security are now in one place. There's no more need for physical discs and disc drives or the need of configuring if it is compatible with your device. It reduced the size and weight of the device and also improved the performance of the supplied batteries. Devices can now last for 8 hours or more, as there are less components to spend power to. It's all looking up at this point.

The highway that brought us to the cloud is the high speed wireless internet connection. Combined with its broader road capacity that can contain and deliver megabytes of data per second. This makes the modest device capable of doing more than it used to using physical drives and applications stored locally. With this, the companies can make devices that are fast, secure and cheaper than ever. Good for the consumers.

Chromebook, an all cloud computing solution is gaining ground where Windows and iOS are kings. Although it is still a David compared to the two Goliaths, its popularity grew among the students and to  those who are on a budget. Its low cost should not grow a doubt on its performance and robustness. It is less stressful to the users as they no longer need to buy this application and to add that security. As the apps are in the cloud, once they are updated, the Chromebook uses the updated version straight away. Unless the apps are from third parties or they are downloaded and installed as an app or as an extension in the Chrome browser that may need manual updates.

As google owns Chrome OS and also owns Android OS there might come to a point that the two operating systems unify and take further foothold to the laptop sector. Big names in computing are also making premium versions ready to compete with the big brands.

Watch how to use Chromebook for the first time.

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