Sunday, 1 January 2012

How To Sign in Into Two or More Gmail Accounts

Do you own two or more different gmail accounts? I do. One dedicated for blogspot and websites, one for affiliate companies and another for general purpose like signing up offers. I realised one day that one email for everything is more praktical, especially when I am updating sites, as the sources of infos and data are coming from one email and the website edit page is tied up with what email is logged on, it is a pain switching different emails by logging in and out.

Then I've noticed that I can actually log into my multiple Gmail accounts and just switch between the emails without loging out. This is essentially useful when infos are coming from different addresses.

Log in to GMAIL multiple accounts

1. Log on into any of your account, and click on your email address at the top right hand corner then click account settings .

2. You will notice that the mutiple sign in status is off. Click this to go to the next step.

3. Tick on and tick the next 3 square buttons then click save .

4. Click your email again at the top right hand corner then this time click switch account.

5. Click sign in to another account

6. After you have signed into your other account, you can now switch between your accounts without logging out any of them.

7. You can now see which emails are currently logged on. The active email is indicated by a check, and you can easily switch between emails by clicking the email you want to become active.

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