Sunday, 18 September 2011

Why You Need To Know Your Mac Address

Mac address is unique in every wireless enabled devices. No two machines share the same address, it's like a finger print of every device that can be used to sort out the ones you want to give access to your wireless network. It is essential in order to protect your own network from being used by others and the sharing of your bandwidth to users without your knowledge. It is then useful to know and very basic for wireless security to know the devices connected into your wireless network by knowing the MAC address of every machine in your household.

In computers, you can find the MAC address by going to CONTROL PANEL, NETWORK AND INTERNET, NETWORK AND SHARING CENTRE, then click VIEW STATUS

A window will pop out, see shot below,  then click DETAILS


And if checked under the connected devices on your router, you should distinguish the MAC address from the list of devices, and from there, you can distinguish which one is yours and which one is an intrude. You can also deny  permission to any device you do not want to share your connection.

Different devices use different names for the machine's wireless address. The iPhone calls it Wi-Fi address. You can access your iPhone's MAC by pressing the HOME BUTTON, then SETTINGS

Then tap GENERAL, ABOUT, then see the MAC ADDRESS under Wi-Fi Address

In HTC phones and other android devices access the MAC by pressing HOME, SETTINGS, ABOUT PHONE, HARDWARE INFORMATION

Knowing the MAC addresses of your machine gives you the choice of booting out MAC addresses you do not know. You can refer to the previous post about how to get inside your router's set up page here.

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