Monday, 4 July 2011

How Did You Post Something You Did Not?

Posting on a friends wall isn't wrong at all, but what makes it wrong is the nature of the material, and because FB profile can be created by children, care is needed in choosing what to paste. It is not because it is easy to put on links, you can share whatever you like. Responsibility relies on you as a user considering the range of your viewers.

Everyday, incidents of indecent photos and videos are being posted in FB walls by friends.  And I know that most of this posts are not really intended by your friends to share. They are victims of scam "pages", "like" scams, "apps" scams and so on, that the ultimate goal is to take over their accounts. How? Because your friends let the apps take over their accounts! Not only your friends, you can be sending this materials without your knowledge as well, when you took action (clicked and joined)to what they sent.

Now your friends have the impression you are also sending  all these nasties in their walls. And the cycle goes on. Then you ask how did you post something you did not? How did the apps send messages to your friends without you knowing? Hacking? Maybe not! Below is the simple explanation.

When you want to try an application, conditions before it let's you join include

accessing your basic info
giving permision for the app to email you
permission to post on your wall
access your data anytime
permission to access your friend's info

By letting any application or page to do this on your account, it is like giving your profile access to the apps to do what it likes!  This means that you've also played a part without knowing. So next time your profile does something nasty, do not think you are hacked. You just allowed some rougue apps and pages to do this on your behalf. It is wiser not to allow that app! Specially when it can access your data anytime, can post to your wall, can email you and can access your friends info!

But if you made a mistake and did allow it, good news is you can remove this apps in your profile. I am not just so sure if it will make any difference but at least try. Instructions on how to remove apps is at my previous post. Or click the link below.

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