Saturday, 21 May 2011

Speed Up Vista !

Do you still own a Windows Vista PC or laptop? I still do, in fact I still have XP and ME! One problem that's annoying me with Vista is, it is really a power hog and resource hog! These characteristics of this operating system really slows down machines running it. This is because there are a lot of things running into it, or shall I say it is carrying too much gadgets to do a job, making it confused and too heavy to move on.

You may tell me to add it's RAM, which is a good suggestion, but what if the RAM slot is already occupied, and removing the RAM will only waste the RAM being replaced. And what if you do not really know how to add a RAM and if you are an "ilocano" "nakirmet" like me, do not want to spend another penny to make my Vista laptop running faster? Is there a way?


Like any disease, you need to know if your Vista PC is not managing it's RAM properly. While you are at the symtoms of a stuck up program or your browser stopped responding  or  you think your machine's performance is slowing down, hit ctrl-alt-delete buttons simultaneously, then click start task manager. Click the performance tab then the  resource monitor and look at the memory section if there are HARDFAULTS in it. Before I tweaked the setting in my laptop I can see up to 100 hardfaults a second in it. This means that the application I am using at the moment, overwhelms my physical memory.(click on the screenshots to make it bigger)

Technicians will tell you to increase your RAM when they will see that there are HARDFAULTS, but wait, you can tweak your system to save on RAM usage.


To make it faster and to save on RAM usage, we need to tell Windows to just show us the basic appearance on screen, as the enhanced display of anything that  you see on your screen means an enhanced RAM usage as well. To do this, you need to access SYSTEM, by clicking START, CONTROL PANEL, SYSTEM, then ADVANCE SYSTEM SETTINGS

Under the SYSTEM PROPERTIES click ADVANCED and under PERFORMANCE click SETTINGS, then under VISUAL EFFECTS click, ADJUST FOR BEST PERFORMANCE. Then you're done tweaking your visual effect. This will dramatically improve the speed of your computer after restart. But do not restart yet. We also need to make sure your virtual memory is enough. I usually allocate a gigabyte more than my physical RAM. Of course if you have enough on your hard disk. So be sure to clear up and maintain at least 5GB of free disk space . My physical RAM is 2GB, so I set Virtual Memory to 3GB. I put 3333MB here because it is easier to type than 3000!LOL!

Then restart, you might notice the change of your desktop appearance but if you ask me, performance is first than appearance!  Hope this helps, share it to your FB wall using the share button on your left!


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