Sunday, 22 May 2011

Create Shutdown Button At Desktop

Did you know that you can shutdown your computer in a single click? Yes you can by creating a shutdown shortcut button at your desktop. You might ask me why you need another shutdown button. Because I want to turn my computer off in one click, and without clicking the start button first! And it's cool being able to do that!

Here's the praktical way, step by step and with screenshots!

1.First, you need to go to your desktop, why? Because it is there where you will create it.
2. Right click an empty space, select NEW then click SHORTCUT

3. Then enter the location of the shutdown command at the box dialogue which is

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s

Just copy and paste the command so that you will not make any mistakes

4. Click next and type any name of your shortcut, in this case i recommend SHUTDOWN

5. Click Finish and your new shortcut should show in your desktop. Your new shortcut however, will not have the proper icon, so we need to dress up your new shortcut with an appropriate icon.
6. Right click on the shutdown shortcut and click change icon.
7. Choose the appropriate button and click OK. Your new shutdown hortcut should be properly dressed up and ready to use!

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