Friday, 22 June 2012

Why Do We Need to Update or Upgrade Computer Programs

Work smoothly

Softwares, applications, drivers and programs are synonym in the sense that they are made up of codes to do things and to work together with other programs and hardwares. This means that when a new hardware or program comes up, an update to the code is needed for a particular program to be able to work harmoniously with the new ones. It's like a shopping list that is being updated according to the menu of the day and the number of guests. Therefore an update is needed to make things run properly and smoothly.

Added functions

An operating system upgrade can make a device do more with added functionality without the need of additional hardware.  If you did remember the earlier generation of iPhone that does not support highlight, copy and paste function, an upgrade fixed that shortcoming. But sometimes  upgrade is not possible because of the limitation of the hardware! Like the old PC's or laptops running XP operating system. It is more sensible to buy a new one if you want to have Windows 7 as old laptops components won't be able to work with the newer ones.


Softwares should be updated to their latest versions. Not only to get more functionality but to be more secure. Virus or malware coders out there are always on the look out for exploits or holes in the software's codes. That's the reason why software companies like windows and others send us "patches" to these security holes to prevent the virures or malwares from infiltrating and creating havoc inside our computers. Not only operating systems but browsers as well. As new threats can be immune to outdated browsers and programs. Even office suites like the microsoft office needs patches for these threats. And most importantly, your virus protection should have the latest threat definition to effectively protect your computer from the latest threats.

How to update?

To make sure you have the latest update on your windows operating system every time, it is recommended to set your computer to check the latest update by clicking start, control panel, (if all items are not shown, click small icons)

All control panel items will be shown, then click windows update, then you can choose to check for update or change the setting to set the computer to update itself automatically which is recommended.

The good thing about updating windows is all of  the new updates of  it's native components like the windows media player, internet explorer, microsoft office and etc., will be downloaded and will be a part of the update! Third party programs like anti viruses and any other programs that doesn't come from microsoft should be scheduled to update automatically or manually separately.

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