Friday, 11 November 2011

Horror after registry fix

One way of keeping my laptop fit is checking for registry errors. The programs I usually use are c cleaner, tuneup utilities, and glary softs.

Just happened not long ago, was I did too far. I always do this registry  cleaning and so I was a bit confident I can restore everything back to where I was after the procedure. The problem is, I forgot to create a back up. The horror begun!

My network icon disappeared, together with my speaker icon and battery power icon. These indicators are quite useful to me because I usually change networks not only to get internet connectivity but to share files wirelessly with different computers and laptops, windows and macs. The speaker icon is also quite useful and easier to access to turn up the volume or turn it down rather than doing it by the function keys as there is no visual indicator how low or how high the level is with just the keys. The battery icon does not really bother me a lot.

The solution

Search engines usually do the trick, and I typed "how to show your network icon at task bar" and an interesting solution was at

It is telling, right click the start button, click properties, click notification area bar and just tick the network button!

It seems like straight forward, but what ever happened to my laptop, it seems complicated. The boxes before the volume, network, and power are greyed, and I can not put any tick onto them. My horror begun.

It took me a lot of time tinkering on how to make the boxes tickable, until a ray of hope, from tuneup utilities tools. I clicked the solve problems menu and choose tune up repair wizard. My problem is listed at the menu that the wizard can fix.

I ticked the problem and clicked next and the utility said, it has corrected the problem.

Going back to the start menu, and to the taskbar and start properties, the untickable box became tickable!

Ticked the boxes,

and the missing icons showed once again!

If you have this kind of problem and do not have this software I used, you can download and try tuneup utilities within 15 days at 

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