
Monday 27 June 2022

Gmail Quick Fix

 Emails should be straightforward to use. Sometimes there are simple things that can be annoying. They are not a major catastrophe but thinking that it is so simple but can't do anything about it can be super irritating. 

1. The Left Sidebar is Collapsed.

How? I did not know what happened. What I remember is I was replying to an email and clicked compose, then the uncalled action of the site unfurled the menu. 

Click the 'three-lines' before the gmail logo and it will restore the left sidebar to its original state.

2. Archive problem. 
I personally don't know the use of 'archive' and I usually mistake this as a 'move to folder' function. Both have similar looks, the only difference is the arrow sign in each icon.

When this happens, I no longer know where the archived email goes. A search on google says, it is in the 'All Mails' folder at the left side bar. 

Looking for the 'All Mails' folder is a pain, it is not there at the left sidebar  straight away. You need to scroll further down until you reach 'more' (arrow down sign). The 'All Mail' folder will show when you click the sign.

3. Archive or Move To?

When tidying up emails, I'd rather use 'Move To' than 'Archive'.  Why?

It is easier to access when it is just 'Moved To' a folder than 'Archive'. In 'Move To', it goes straight away in a folder you create. Just click the corresponding folder when you want to access it.

In 'Archive', to access it, make the 'All Mail' appear, click on the archived email to open it, then click 'Move To' button to move it to the Inbox (the 'Move to Button' is set to Inbox already whilst in the 'All Mail' mode). More complicated!

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